Balcony. Dance performance
The project is not about how we move, but how we are moved by the environment we are in. How the changing environment affects my body, its movement possibilities, what stories are created as a result, the perspectives of the dancers and the audience. How the environment we are in can help to discover the relationship between the viewer and the performer, which itself is the central axis of the performance.
Author of the idea, director: Indrė Puišytė Šidlauskienė
Choreography: Indrė Puišytė Šidlauskienė ir šokėjai.
Dancers: Ema Senkuvienė, Indrė Puišytė Šidlauskienė, Andrius Stakelė, Miglė Keblaitytė, Juozas Veiverys, Akvilė Vaičiukynaitė, Skaistė Zubėnaitė.
Music: Alvo Nota
Premiere: 2023, Kaunas
Partners: Kaunas European Capital of Culture 2022.
The project was implemented together with Kaunas Capital of Culture 2022.